bilingual storytime Flannel Friday flannelboards holidays rhymes Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Storytime Ideas / Ideas para el Día de Acción de Gracias jual bibit anggrek Friday, November 8, 2013 November is here and I enjoy presenting storytimes that celebrate family and gratitude in the lead up to Thanksgiving. I thought I would sh...
bilingual storytime online education professional development New Session of Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca! jual bibit anggrek Monday, October 28, 2013 Hi all! Sorry for the self-promotion but many folks were interested in but unable to participate in the last session of Bilingual Storytime...
bilingual storytime Cuentos para celebrar el cambio de las estaciones / Storytime to Celebrate the Change in Seasons jual bibit anggrek Tuesday, October 22, 2013 It's been a little while since I posted a full storytime plan and the magnificent color of the autumn in Kentucky has me inspired, so I ...
Library Outreach to Spanish-Speaking Communities Online Class jual bibit anggrek Friday, September 20, 2013 This post is to let everyone in library land know that registration is now open for my online course " Library Outreach to Spanish-Spea...
art bilingual books board books book reviews early literacy giveaways Bilingual Board Book Giveaway! jual bibit anggrek Friday, September 13, 2013 What better way to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month 2013 than with a giveaway? I was recently contacted about ArteKids , a beautiful new s...
bilingual books book reviews books Spanish book reviews Book Recommendation: Good Night Captain Mama / Buenas Noches Capitán Mamá jual bibit anggrek Monday, September 2, 2013 This quick post is to share with you a book that I became aware of over the summer, but only recently sat down to read. Good Night Captain...
bilingual storytime Flannel Friday flannelboards storytelling Flannel Friday GIVEAWAY! - Picky Paul (Bilingual) jual bibit anggrek Friday, July 19, 2013 *NOTE: Please read this entire post to find the details on how to enter a drawing for a version of this flannel set which I a giving away!* ...