Thanksgiving Storytime Ideas / Ideas para el Día de Acción de Gracias

November is here and I enjoy presenting storytimes that celebrate family and gratitude in the lead up to Thanksgiving.  I thought I would sh...

New Session of Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca!

Hi all!  Sorry for the self-promotion but many folks were interested in but unable to participate in the last session of Bilingual Storytime...

Cuentos para celebrar el cambio de las estaciones / Storytime to Celebrate the Change in Seasons

It's been a little while since I posted a full storytime plan and the magnificent color of the autumn in Kentucky has me inspired, so I ...

Library Outreach to Spanish-Speaking Communities Online Class

This post is to let everyone in library land know that registration is now open for my online course " Library Outreach to Spanish-Spea...

Bilingual Board Book Giveaway!

What better way to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month 2013 than with a giveaway?  I was recently contacted about ArteKids , a beautiful new s...

Book Recommendation: Good Night Captain Mama / Buenas Noches Capitán Mamá

This quick post is to share with you a book that I became aware of over the summer, but only recently sat down to read.   Good Night Captain...

Flannel Friday GIVEAWAY! - Picky Paul (Bilingual)

*NOTE: Please read this entire post to find the details on how to enter a drawing for a version of this flannel set which I a giving away!* ...