Many libraries struggle to serve Spanish-speakers. Even those that build a Spanish language collection or try offering programs in Spanish sometimes do not see the response they hope for from the community. Library Outreach to Spanish-Speaking Communities walks participants through the outreach process, critical for forming relationships within Spanish-speaking communities, particularly first-generation immigrant communities. Learn about the barriers to access the prevent library use, and how organizations can overcome those barriers by working with community partners and leaders. The course is asynchronous and it runs for four-weeks. Participants choose from two options for their final project in the course: developing an initial Outreach Plan for their organization or conducting a real Community Leader Interview to learn more about the Spanish-speaking community in their area.
Also, a head's up, my class on bilingual storytime, Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca, will be offered again this November. I hope to see some blog readers in both of these classes!