Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've posted on here and I'm so glad to let you know that I have decided to make the effort to revive the blog. I really thank you all for your patience while I was away. Things got very busy for a while. I got a book deal with ALA, I partnered with my local mentor to take on my first library strategic planning job, and I spent a month and a half in South America with my husband. I simply could not keep pace with social media for a while. Blogging, Twitter, Pinterest, all of that stuff is important, but it's difficult for me to prioritize it when it feels as though there are so many other things to do. However, I have come to realize that this blog is truly a useful resource for those out there dipping their toes into the waters of bilingual storytime, and that means a lot to me. I believe this programming is important, and I want to share what I can to offer support, encouragement and fresh ideas to those of you out there doing it! So I am back to the blog, and am going to make a dedicated effort to stay on track with offering you updated content on a regular basis. My thoughts are to bring you book reviews when I can, program plans, great resources and possibly some videos. This is something I could use your opinion on...what would you thing of a ¡Es Divertido Hablar Dos Idiomas! YouTube channel where I demonstrate flannel stories, songs and rhymes? I'm sort of on the fence on this one because it makes me nervous, but if it's something that you want, let me know and I will get over my nerves and go for it.
One quick thing to share today as I relaunch this blog is a story that I heard yesterday morning on NPR about the role libraries have in encouraging parents to Sing, Talk, Read, Write and Play with their children. Not only did the story nail the importance of empowering parents to engage in early literacy practices with their children, they also touched on the reasons why library outreach to some communities, such as Spanish-speakers, is so vital. It's definitely worth a listen if you missed it!
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So, gracias otra vez por su paciencia. ¡Espero traer a ustedes muchas ideas útiles aquí en este blog en los días y meses que vienen! Happy New Year everyone! I am truly looking forward to interacting with you in this space once again!