Retiring the Blog

Hola friends. The time has come for me to retire ¡Es Divertido Hablar Dos Idiomas! Maintaining this blog over the past seven years has been an absolute joy. However, my career is moving along a new path these days, and I no longer am able to invest my time in properly updating it, so I have decided to put it to rest. I will be leaving the content up to hopefully continue to be of value to visitors interested in learning more about bilingual storytime and Latino children's literature. From time to time as I am able, I hope to still add new content, but I know such posts will be less frequent. Rather than leave you all wondering, I wanted to place this post at the top to let you know my decision. I also want to thank all of you who stopped by the blog, whether it was frequently or just once, and shared your thoughts and ideas with me and with other readers. Please keep finding creative and fun ways to grow your bilingual storytime programs and to make sure that all kids in your communities have access to great books!