ALA Take-Away: Issues Surrounding Multicultural Books for Kids

At ALA Annual last week, I had the opportunity to attend two very well-organized and engaging sessions on the issues surrounding the publis...
2013 ALA Annual Conference Presentation on Bilingual Storytime

2013 ALA Annual Conference Presentation on Bilingual Storytime

Hi everyone!  Here is the presentation that I am sharing at the 2013 American Library Association annual conference.  My session is called ...
Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Hello friends!  This quick post is to let you know about some learning opportunities that I have coming up if you are interested in learning...

Bilingual Nonfiction Book for Earth Day

This Monday, April 22 is el Día de la Tierra, Earth Day.  I recently discovered a book that would be wonderful for marking this holiday in b...

Bilingual Book to Know: Tito Puente: Mambo King/Rey del Mambo

Tito Puente: Mambo King/Rey del Mambo has finally arrived!  I have been waiting for this book to come out since I first heard Brown and Lop...

Celebramos César Chavez

Librarians and teachers working with elementary students have several wonderful picture books available to celebrate César Chavez Day, which...

Learn Bilingual Storytime with Katie! New Online Course

Hi everyone!  I am really excited to share with you that "Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca," a new course I am teaching thro...