Last year, Rosana Santana was a student in my class "Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca" offered through Library Juice Academy. She submitted several excellent Spanish translations of rhymes on her final Bilingual Storytime Plans. With her permission, I am sharing those translations here. Thanks, Rosana, for your excellent work and your willingness to share it with your colleagues!
Four Autumn Leaves Cuatro Hojas de Otoño
Four Autumn Leaves Cuatro hojas de otoño
In a big old tree esperando el fin del mes,
One blew off una se cayó
Then there were three y quedaban tres.
Three little leaves Tres hojas de otoño
With nothing to do bailaban en los vientos,
Another blew off otra se cayó
Then there were two y quedaban dos.
Two little leaves Dos hojas de otoño
In the autumn sun acostadas como en cuna,
One blew off una se cayó
Then there was one y quedaba solo una.
Being all alone Ahí sentada toda sola
Wasn’t much fun las otras hojas la miraron,
The last on blew off la última se tiro
Then there was none y se acabaron.
Four Autumn Leaves Cuatro Hojas de Otoño
Four Autumn Leaves Cuatro hojas de otoño
In a big old tree esperando el fin del mes,
One blew off una se cayó
Then there were three y quedaban tres.
Three little leaves Tres hojas de otoño
With nothing to do bailaban en los vientos,
Then there were two y quedaban dos.
Two little leaves Dos hojas de otoño
In the autumn sun acostadas como en cuna,
One blew off una se cayó
Then there was one y quedaba solo una.
Being all alone Ahí sentada toda sola
The last on blew off la última se tiro
Then there was none y se acabaron.
The Floppy Scarecrow El espantapájaro bailarín
The floppy, floppy scarecrow El espantapájaro bailarín
Guards his field all day Cuida las plantas todo el día
He wave his floppy (body part) Mueve su (parte del cuerpo)
To scare the crows away! Para espantarar los no confia
Five Little Pirates Cinco Piratas
Five Litter Pirates Cinco piratas
hear the captain roar. flotando en un barco.
One raised the black flag Uno levantó la bandera
and then there were four. y solo quedaban cuatro.
Four Little Pirates, Cuatro piratas
sailing on the sea, mirando a un pez.
One tumbled overboard, Uno brincó para agarrarlo
and then there were three. y solo quedaban tres.
Three little pirates, Tres piratas
swam the ocean blue, cantaban en alta voz.
One swam away Uno le dio toz
and there were two. y solo quedaba dos.
Two little pirates Dos Piratas
standing in the sun, comieron desayuno.
One felt too hot Uno se enfermó
and there was one. y solo quedaba uno.
One little pirate Un pirata
like to have fun, encontró un cofre de tesoro
He found a treasure chest y se fue del bote
and there were none. a comprar un loro.