Hello readers of ¡Es Divertido Hablar Dos Idiomas! Have you ever wanted to learn more about how to present your own bilingual storytimes, or how to make your English storytimes more inclusive of Latino culture and the Spanish language? If so, please consider enrolling in my new online course, Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca, being offered through the Library of Virginia! I am beyond excited to be offering this course, which I have been working on creating for the last several months. I share pre-made bilingual storytime plans, recommended books and music, great online resources, and even video demonstrations of flannelboard storytelling, bilingual songs, and fingerplays, created specifically for this course. It is designed to help bilingual storytime presenters enhance their programs, and to provide non-Spanish speaking libraries with tools and tips for how they can make their English programs more inclusive and useful for Spanish-speaking families. More information about the course is below - I hope to see many of you in the class!
Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca - Course Description:
This 4-week, online course teaches participants how to present bilingual storytimes (English/Spanish) for various ages. Numerous techniques for successfully delivering the various elements of bilingual storytimes (bilingual books, storytelling, rhymes, and songs) will be shared in print and demonstrated via video. Participants in this course will gain practical ideas and increased confidence that will aid them as they work to include Latino culture and the Spanish language in their storytime programs, regardless of their language skills. Modifications for storytime presenters who do not speak Spanish but want their programs to be more inclusive of Latinos and Spanish-speakers will be shared. Each participant will develop two storytime plans as the final project for the course.
Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca - Registration:
Bilingual Storytime at Your Biblioteca - Course Description:

Registration is now open for the next session of this course, which will be offered online through the Library of Virginia, January 14, 2013 - February 10, 2013. The registration fee is $25 for library staff in Virginia and $50 for those outside of Virginia . The fee includes your own copy of the book Read Me a Rhyme in English and Spanish / Léame una rima en español e inglés by Rose Treviño. To register please contact Enid Costley at the Library of Virginia - enid.costley@lva.virginia.gov. The prerequisite for this course is "Connecting with the Spanish-Speaking Community." However, the instructor will consider accepting students who already have experience working with and providing outreach to Latinos and Spanish-speakers who have not taken this prerequesite. If this is your situation, please email Katie Cunningham directly to discuss this further - katie@connectedcommunitiesconsulting.com.